Zach Moore se describe en su cuenta de Instagram como un “sobreviviente de la obesidad” tras haber rebajado 315 libras luego de dos años de trabajo duro.
Moore –que según el Diario de Nueva York , vive en Florida y tiene 35 años de edad–ha documentado su proceso de adelgazamiento en su cuenta en dicha red social, además de compartir fotocomposiciones en las que compara la figura que tenía antes, con la de ahora.
En su cuenta en Instagram, el renovado hombre explicó que su dramática disminución de peso se debe a la cirugía de "bypass" gástrico a la que fue sometido y a un cambio en sus hábitos alimenticios.
Recientemente, Moore fue sometido a una operación para remover el exceso de piel que le quedó colgando como resultado de todas las libras que perdió.
Según la revista People , la cirugía requirió 2,400 puntos de sutura y en la misma, los doctores removieron piel de su abdomen, trasero, pecho y brazos, entre otras partes del cuerpo.
I have been getting 30+ messages a day asking "how I did it", "what is my secret", " please help". You have to make an entire LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Top to bottom. It's not just one simple flip of a switch and poof I'm skinny. Look at this as a NEW and FRESH start and research everything. I asked a ton of questions before I had my Gastric Bypass with actual people who have it and and are going through exactly what you have been or will be. The surgeon gives you a TOOL. He is giving you a way out or "the easy way out" as many unintellectual people whom enjoy fat shaming people like us. This surgery is life changing but after the doctor leaves the hospital, the nurse goes home and you do too, it's up to you and you alone to stay committed, so don't lie to yourself if you cheat, keep a journal in your phone, I did and still do write down and note time to time on what works and don't. YOU and you alone have to make changes within your life. If you continue to eat the same foods and have the same habits your success rate is less likely to fail than succeed. I don't mind talking to anyone and giving anyone pointers, that's why we are all here, in effort to better ourselves. I can not talk about the tv show, In a week or so I can. I wish you each the best and hope that you all find success along your journey. Message me and I'll share my story, my journey and what I tend to go to for "comfort foods" as well as if you want to read my story Here is my first clip for April 19th on the TV Show "The Doctors" #tummytuck #thedoctors #wls #transformationtuesday #gastricbypass #ibeatobesity #newlife #diet #survivor #motivationmonday #obesitysurvivor #facetoface #sidebyside #skinnier #bravery #selfiesunday #inspired #inspiration #rny #vsg #weightloss #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #obesity #sleepapnea #diabetes #mondaymotivation #chronicheadaches #weightlossjourney
A photo posted by Zach Moore (@superz3161981) on Sep 27, 2016 at 10:02am PDT
Ok, yeah I was having a little fun because with the surgery, TV show and all I was nervous, BUT DONT EVER let some tell you it's impossible or you CANT do something with this life you have been given! I saved my life. I turned my family's life around. I am recovering and trying to make a life worth living that is happy and enjoyable. It's not easy, it takes time and has me many times spent crying and wondering if it's worth it. I'm slowly seeing how WORTH IT everything on this adventure has been. 5/14/14 HW 460 RNY (Gastric Bypass Surgery) 7/12/16 CW 160 FDL TT (FDL TT w / MR & HR along with Butt Lift and Male Breast Reduction) Inspire rather than insult Help rather than hinder Aid rather than pick on Life changes in the blink of an eye, good, bad, happy, sad, live in the moment and never regret a decision you make. No dream is to big!! @babygirlflyaway gonna kill me for posting this.. But I love you #skinremoval #skinsurgery #tummytuck #fdltt #thedoctors #wls #worthit #transformationtuesday #gastricbypass #ibeatobesity #newlife #diet #survivor #motivationmonday #orlando #obesitysurvivor #newlife #facetoface #sidebyside #selfie #selfies #skinnier #bravery #noworries #facetoface #selfiesunday #inspired #inspiration #insprational #hope #flabtofab #flabtoab
A photo posted by Zach Moore (@superz3161981) on Aug 8, 2016 at 11:11am PDT