Alguna vez te preguntaste, ¿Emma Watson tiene cuentas oficiales de redes sociales? La respuesta es: sí, las tiene. Sin embargo, pocos usuarios las conocen debido a la particularidad que ella ha decidido darles a sus cuentas en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, con la cual espera marcar una diferencia, sentar un precedente y romper el estereotipo femenino común que se tiene de las actrices en todo el mundo.

@oursharedshelf's Nov & Dec book is #Mom&Me&Mom by Maya Angelou

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Tras esta publicación, en una reciente entrevista que ofreció a Entertainment Weekly, Watson dijo que son:"deprimentes y aterradoras y en partes iguales son empoderadoras y emocionantes", en referencia a las redes sociales. "Realmente dibujo una línea súper consciente entre lo que es público y lo que es privado, y eso me ha ayudado a mantener un cierto grado de cordura, porque tener a la gente a dando una opinión sobre absolutamente todo sobre mí me destruiría como humano”, expresó. 

Emma se declara incapaz de ser "una cáscara", ya que a su criterio el mundo virtual "convierte tu vida en algo que se ve en lugar de cómo se siente algo, y hay un vacío en eso". "Me doy cuenta tanto de que los jóvenes ahora para curarse tienen que tomarse una foto para sus redes sociales, que va a obtener un cierto número de likes", agregó: "ya sabes, es como... estás posando en vez de vivir." 

Hasta el momento, las redes sociales de la bella princesa de Disney muestran su lado más intelectual, con pensamientos y debates profundos, así como mensajes de empoderamiento femenino y de lucha por la igualdad de derechos en el mundo.

@oursharedshelf's Jan & Feb book is #TheVaginaMonologues by Eve Ensler

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I had the most amazing day in Malawi today. Thank you President Mutharika for being a #HeForShe Impact Champion and for making gender equality a priority in your Government! Thank you to all the traditional leaders who are implementing President Mutharika's policies - especially Chief Kachindamoto (she’s in the photo with me, she’s formidable and has been nicknamed “The Terminator”!). She gave me such a warm welcome today. She has implemented the annulment of so many child marriages and restored the futures of these girls. With the help and collaboration of her local chiefs, mothers’ groups and religious leaders she has managed to annul almost 1500 child marriages, sending the girls back to school. President Mutharika has committed to make child marriage a thing of the past in Malawi within the next five years. It was amazing to be on the ground with @UNWomen and Chief Kachindamoto to witness their work! My @tomenyc white shirt is made from organic cotton and is part of their 'White Shirt Project’ campaign. The project was conceived in 2014 to raise funds and awareness for the Freedom for All charity, which is fighting human trafficking and modern day slavery. The silk skirt is by @zady. Zady partnered with @cocccon_prakesh, founded in 2012 by Chandra Prakash Jha, a fashion designer who wanted to help his community through fairer wages and a safer, more sustainable process. Instead of using toxic pesticides on the plants that the silkworm caterpillars eat, the farmers protect the trees by covering them with mosquito nets to protect the leaves from harmful birds and insects. Then the silk is brought to New York where expert sewers in New York’s famed Garment District create each piece. Sandals by @nisoloshoes. The sandals were made by a team of expert shoemakers in Trujillo, Peru in a factory owned and operated by Nisolo that celebrates fair trade wages, safe working conditions, healthcare for all employees, and financial literacy & wellness training. All fashion info verified by @ecoage

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